15. Sep 2018.


VERSION           : v1.0-Test
AUTHOR            : Alghtryer
E-MAIL              : alghtryer@gmail.com
WEB PAGE         : https://alghtryer.github.io/


This is an automatic system. Allows playing mix match without admin.


- Player after connect ready after 10 second.
- Map vote when 10(cvar) players ready.
- After the map changes, the captain votes begins.
- The captains choose their teams and the match begins.
- Team tag a. = CT; b. = TT, and skillpoints on name <skill> . Name look TeamTag.PlayerName <skillpoints> example: a.name<123> or b.name<123>
- exec esl.cfg
- Demo record for every player. Demo start when the match start. Demo name is mapname_-_steamidofplayer.dem example: de_dust2_-_STEAM_ID.dem
- Hostname score. Score update on server name.
- Score show on hud in freeze time.
- Afk kicker.
- Mirror friendly fire damage. When you shoot to your teammate the damage hits on you and not in your teammate.
- Match end if three player leave match. (checking three times after end).
- Spec don't allowed, kick every on spec(chect time 20 seconds).
- Player without team bee kick.
- Maps read from maps.ini
- Match end when one team get score 16, or 15 - 15 score.


.score - Show score
.kick player reason - kick player
.info player cvar - info player cvar value
.map mapname - changemap
.ready map/cpt - Match start. Map: vote map Cpt captain vote
.ff on/off - Enable/disable friednly fire.
.stop - End match.


All cvars in amxmodx/configs/gathersystem.cfg

gs_prefix "!gGather :" // Prefix in chat message
gs_nick "1" // On-Off team tag and skillpoints
gs_tag "1" // On-Off Team Tag
gs_skill "1" // On-Off skill points on name
gs_amount "10" // Need player for start
gs_afktime "90" // Afk Time
gs_tag_a "a." // Team A Tag
gs_tag_a "b." // Team B Tag
gs_style "3" // Style Chat Prefix


fysiks - Team Tag
Diegorkable - Random Captains and Randomizing Teams
ConnorMcLeod - Mirror Damage, Say Kick
Cheesy Peteza - Afk Kicker
xPaw - Hostname Timeleft
Map Vote - AMXX Team
Exolent - Save Team Score
Alka - Voteban
EaGle/Flicker(rewriten) - Private Message
guipatinador - SkillPoints

Image of mod.

If you find a bug / error, report to me.
This is only TEST version.
If you have problem with chat you must download this.


View Sourcecode on github or Download gather-master.zip